- Bangla Youth Association (BYA)
Category: Probashi Bangladesh
Bangla Youth Association (BYA), also knwon as Bangla Youth, is a not-for-profit and non-political community organization of Bangladeshis in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The organization was founded in 2005 by Mr. Salim Parvez. As a community association, BYA uplifts bondage among the Bangladeshis and it works as a key place for sharing of happiness and sorrows, getting together, and minimizing cultural-gap among the Bangladeshis in the UAE. Bangla Youth is run by a committee whose present President is Mr. Salim Parvez, Vice-President is Mr. Mansoor Quasem, Organizing Secretary is Mr. Nazrul Islam, Cultural Secretary is Mr. Abdul Karim Siraji, and Publicity Secretary is Mrs. Sahni Roushan.
Bangla Youth Association (BYA) runs a cricket club under the name of Bangla Youth Cricket Club in Dubai, UAE.
Contact Info:
Bangla Youth Association (BYA):
Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Mobile: +971505451539
Email: banglayouth@yahoo.com , banglayouth@gmail.com
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/banglayouthassociation/
Facebook Page (Bangla Youth Cricket Club): www.facebook.com/BYCCdubai
Published Date: 05/05/2020
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